Research development
Non-contact temperature measurement gives you the ability to measure analyse temperature distributions profiles of many different materials components in the R & D process.
Non-contact temperature measurement in high magnetic fields for the research of solid matter
Infrared camera PYROVIEW 640L-PMF for non-contact temperature measurements in a 3T high magnetic field
Infrared temperature measurements in high magnetic fields were possible for technical reasons until now. The infrared camera PYROVIEW 640L-PMF is the world’s first IR camera that can measure precisely without contact in permanent magnetic fields of several Tesla. In this way technical studies on semiconductors, magnetization measurements, nuclear resonance studies, research work in cell biology as well as the determination of critical parameters of high field high temperature super conductors can be made for example.
The solution is: Non-contact temperature measurement with the infrared camera PYROVIEW 640L-PMF in high magnetic fields
Printed circuit board testing
IR image/Thermal image of a circuit board – recorded with a PYROVIEW IR camera
During construction process as well as during manufacturing of circuit boards, infrared cameras can be used to visualize thermal behaviour of single component parts. This allows faulty modules to be detected thermal optimazation to be implemented.
The solution is: Infrared cameras PYROVIEW for printed circuit board testing
Non-destructive testing of materials using an IR camera – Active thermography
Active thermography – Non-destructive tesing of materials with an infrared camera
Hair-line cracks, air inclusions other manufacturing errors can hardly be detected reliably visual, magnetic electrodynamic detected in composite materials. The challange are non-destructive testing methods for specifically larger areas.
The solution is: Non-destructive testing of materials using active thermography
Combustion of biomasses – Non-contact temperature measurement in combustion chambers
Use of an infrared camera in a model combustor
The stock of fossil fuels like mineral oil, natural gasonline carbon is constantly dimishing. At the same time their use causes an increased emission of carbon oxide into the atmosphere. Regional available fuel resources for enegery supply are a good alternative but their combustion conditions their emission decrease have to be controlled.
The solution is: Use of an infrared camera in a model combustor for analysis evaluation of firing technological properties of variable, biogenic fuels
Thermography in veterinary medicine
Thermography in the veterinary medicine – measurement of the body temperature of cows with infrared cameras
The challange:Within the framework of a R&D project “VIONA” (“Veterinary Infrared Orientated online Analysis system”) the body temperature rise of animals as an important indicator for the diagnostics of diseases has been studied. It becomes apparent using the example of a milk cow flock with 500 animals that a conventional manual fever measurement would be very costly. This task poses also a challenge to the thermography though the
measurement certainty of the absolute temperature has to be improved of one order magnitude compared to the conventional infrared cameras.
The solution is: Thermography research with infrared cameras PYROVIEW in veterinary medicine
IR sensors for spectroscopy gas analysis
IR sensors, pyroeletrical detectors arrays for gas analysis spectroscopy
For the special requirements of the gas analysis in industrial, environmental medical technology, pyroelectric sensors with up to four independent spectral channels were developed. In the development of compact spectrometers in the mid-IR region pyroelectric arrays in combination with linear variable filters (LVFS) are advantageous usable, because new very low priced solutions are possible.